I proposed a poll to CodeProject web site a while ago to see how community is embracing the TDD and agile. There are a lot of talks in .NET community regarding writing tests (Unit Tests, Acceptance Tests, etc.) and even Microsoft is taking this seriously by providing new frameworks and tools to support the idea and encourage the developers. Continue reading

Ever wanted to have a Designer-Only properties, whose only purpose is to do something in Visual Studio? I guess you already almost know how to do this. Simply create a property with Getters / Setters and assign an Editor to it, but there are a few things you can do to enhance it. Continue reading

Gmail on IE8

Looks like Gmail guys don’t like my new browser. Sometimes (notice, just sometimes) things get broken in IE8 beta when using Gmail resulting strange layout problems. Even in turning compatibility mode to on has no effect on this. Continue reading


There’s been a new competition around for WPFers. You need to submit an application created with WPF technology (being a WPF app or Silverlight) which should not exceed 10 KB in size. Tricky, eh? What kind of an app can be 10 K? Continue reading

Maintaining old applications has always been something painful for me. Old application, for me, means Winform applications using DataSets for binding operations. When converting and opening an old application, the least thing you want on your hands is to open a form and see Designer screen of death. Continue reading

When maintaining an old application that uses Windsor as IoC container, a strange NullReferenceException was being thrown when trying to resolve an instance of a specific class. Our project has been recently upgraded to VS 2008 so it was natural to use C# 3.0 specific features. Continue reading

Efficient Code

Writing code may look easy to some and hard to others, but some programmers always tend to write messy, smelling, ugly-looking, inefficient code. Continue reading

I’m working on a small project for a Swedish company. They need their application be available via web, so it’s time to put that Silverlight knowledge at work. I decided to use Silverlight for UI technology and have a REST service layer to provide the required data. After all Silverlight and REST services should have no problem. Silverlight experience was great. Continue reading

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Hadi Eskandari

Developer, amateur photographer, coffee snob, husband and father.
